~Beauty in the Ashes by Micalea Smeltzer 5 STAR Book Review & Author Interview~

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Title: Beauty in the Ashes
Author: Micalea Smeltzer
Release Date: July 15, 2014
Genre: Standalone Dark Contemporary Romance
Add on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20761170-beauty-in-the-ashes
Cover Design: Regina Wamba (Mae I Design)
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~Book Description~

Some stories are a fairytale…but this isn’t one.

Caelan Gregory’s life fell apart the night he went home and opened the door to find his whole family murdered. Since then, his life has held no meaning. He’s angry. He’s bitter. He’s barely human anymore. There’s nothing left to remind him of the straight A student, and football quarterback he once was…but he wasn’t a good person then, and he’s certainly not a good person now. He’s retreated into a world where all that exists is numbness and his passion for painting.

When Sutton Hale moves into the apartment across the hall from Caelan she’s not prepared for her reaction to him. Something in his broken blue eyes calls to her—after all she’s always had an irrational need to fix everything.

But Caelan doesn’t do relationships or feelings. He does drugs and alcohol. However, he can’t ignore his desire to get to know the raven-haired woman across the hall.

Two broken souls trying to mend one another.

But not everything can be fixed.

In the end, Caelan and Sutton will have to learn that there is beauty in the ashes.



So, Micalea DID IT AGAIN! She left me flawed and in a pool of so much emotion. Beauty in the Ashes is a masterpiece that can’t be reckoned with. It is not your average romance. It’s not your average story. It leaps bounds of passion and pain that seep through the pages in an undying catastrophic emotional read. Sutton and Caelan are the noise in a white background of pure. I’m telling you for every emotion that a felt, the heart that I could see within the pages was like sewing a bleeding heart that wouldn’t stop.

“She was beautiful. She was warm. She was vibrant. She was a fighter. She was everything I was not.”

Micalea has the ability to convey so much emotion in all her New Adult books and BitA was like a pool of ramped emotions that went on a joy ride running the outskirts of my whole body. In an apartment complex they meet, they love, they sore into a world that is full of many dangers.

“We were two broken souls, desperately trying to put ourselves back together. But not everything could be fixed.”

I don’t have many words that can convey how influential and how passion driven BitA is. Micalea deserves all the praise and more for the tremendous admiration and heart she put into Sutton and Caelan’s narrative. I implore you to read Beauty in the Ashes it’s not your average romance, but that’s what makes it beyond a shadow of a doubt phenomenal. Without any hesitation it is a 10 +++++++++ Rating for me!

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~Author Interview~

Congratulations on the release of Beauty in the Ashes, tell us a bit about the story? How did it narrative come along to the piece it is?
Beauty in the Ashes tells the unconventional love story of an extremely broken man and a woman that’s just at broken, but better at hiding how messed up she really is.

Beauty in the Ashes has been a long time coming. I got the idea about six years ago now, but this story scared me so much that I never made it past the “curtain” scene. Back then I didn’t even have the guts to write the prologue. In February Caelan popped into my head once more and was like, “Hey, it’s time for my story to be told.” So, I knew it was finally time.

BitA is a unique, in that it’s not your traditional love story? Tell us what made you choose that path of creating a dark contemporary romance ?
Haha, I didn’t choose to tell this story, it chose me. I was really resistant to writing this story because I knew it was a big risk and lot of people would hate me for it, because it’s definitely not traditional. But Caelan and Sutton never went away. I always knew one day I’d sit down and write it, but I wasn’t sure I’d ever publish it. But no matter how dark and twisted it is, Caelan and Sutton deserved to have their story read. Plus, while it is a love story, it’s so much more. I hope that everyone that reads it (love it or hate it or just sorta liked it) comes away ‘getting’ the story and the point it made.

Did you always see Sutton and Caelan’s story, the way it evolved?
Absolutely. It’s why I was scared to write it.

What do you want the readers to get out of reading BitA?
That no matter what’s happened to you, you have the choice to get better. In fact, you have all the power. And sometimes, the love we want, isn’t the love we need.

You said recently that Beauty in the Ashes wasn’t its original title? Do you have a process as how you come up with titles? Is it incorporated into the book in a certain way?
Ah, yes, the original title was Misfits. (In fact, it was originally going to be told from FOUR POVs. Caelan, Sutton (who was originally named Kaylee), Daphne, and Cyrus. That obviously didn’t happen. It was too chaotic so I scraped it a loooong time ago.) I HAVE to have a title before I start writing a book, even if I change it later on, which I usually do. It helps me organize the story in my head and connect with it more because it has a name, lol. I really like the title to tie into the book somehow, even if the meaning is obvious to me and no one else it HAS to mean something. I really have no certain process for coming up with titles. They hit me at the most random times and when it feels right, I know it, because I stop thinking about changing it, haha.

BitA is different to your other New Adult series, was it hard to separate yourself and dive into the unknown knowing you wanted to tell this story?
It wasn’t that hard to separate myself at all. I was ready to tackle this book and do something different. I will say that it was extremely hard to write (the hardest one so far), but I’m definitely the most proud of it. I feel like a much stronger writer, having written this book.

So, I have to ask how do you come up with your cover designs. Time after time, you create really unique covers; do you go to a designer with a certain concept in mind or an idea?
I’m really lucky to have such an incredible cover designer/photographer with Regina Wamba of Mae I Design. We discuss what I want to do, pick out models that match the characters, and do a shoot. (It sounds like fun, but it’s actually really stressful, haha) With Finding Olivia the original concept was actually the restaurant kiss against the wall, because I didn’t want to have one of the things on her list on the cover. I thought that was saying: THIS ONE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT. But as I filled out the forms for Regina, I realized I was being stupid and dancing in the rain would be such a fun and different cover. Thank God the models didn’t mind getting drenched. (I actually have a really fun picture of that part)

For Beauty in the Ashes, I wanted to do the first kiss scene where Caelan busts into Sutton’s apartment and pushes her against the wall. I had hinted at doing something with paint on the models, but Regina and I never discussed actually doing it. I figured the models would run screaming for the hills. So, I was really surprised when she did it (Like OH MY GOD THIS IS AHHHMAZING! Surprised) I was still against having one of those pictures on the cover, though. I thought people wouldn’t understand that it was paint. Regina was persistent about it and I’m so glad she was, because it’s PERFECT. The paint. The emotion. Everything about it suits the book. Plus, the paint is so unique and different. I don’t think I’ve ever seen another book with that on it. Haha.

Last question, what’s coming up in the future for you with upcoming release?
Next up is Saving Tatum, which is the fourth book in the Trace + Olivia Series. I’m planning for this to be the last one, but there wasn’t supposed to be a 2nd, or 3rd, and so on. Lol. I’m really excited about Saving Tatum and so in love with Jude. (Trace lovers, you might have a new boy to drool over) There’s so much more depth to Jude than readers knew in Tempting Rowan. Saving Tatum can be read as a standalone, but I do recommend reading the other books, at least Tempting Rowan when Tate and Jude first pop up, because there will be crossover.

After that, I’m working on a completely new book that I got the idea for only a few weeks ago. I’ll be posting more info about it in the coming months.

A HUGE THANK YOU to Micalea for answering my questions. xx

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~About the Author~

image004Micalea Smeltzer is a bestselling Young and New Adult author from Winchester, Virginia. She’s always working on her next book, and when she has spare time she loves to read and spend time with her family.

Follow Micalea:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MicaleaSmeltzerfanpage?ref=hl

Twitter: @msmeltzer9793

Instagram: micaleasmeltzer

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/micaleasmeltzer/boards/

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~SPECIAL: Character Interview with Jake Andrews from the MORE SERIES by Jay McLean


Who is Jay? Who is a Jaybird? Who are the More-munity?

So I am a part of a pretty awesome group. We are called Jaybirds. We are apart of the More-munity. So… let me explain if you’re lost.
Jay McLean is a wonderful and amazing author in Australia, where I live. She created this brilliant and phenomonal series that currently consists of 3 released books, one upcoming release and maybe more in the future? I am very fortunate to have had a chance to meet Jay at IADU (totally funny how I saw Jay and was a chicken and didn’t say Hi at first) and have been following her from the very beginning. A jaybird is the elite team members of More series lovers and also just all round lovers of Jay. We are more than a community, we have become friends and that’s why Jay is awesome because her books have created more than just words on a page. In case you haven’t heard of Jay or need to catch up on the series the links are below  my interview with Jake Andrew, main character in More Than This.

Team Jake


Setting – Post More Than This ending. Interview with a lead journalist at a major sporting newspaper.

Jake, so you’re a pretty “BIG DEAL,” well at least so I’m told. Wanna tell us why that is?
I don’t consider myself a big deal. That hype came from other people.

Some may call you a big shot and that you have everything. That wasn’t always the case was it? What has been the most valuable lesson you have learnt through your past experiences and getting to where you are now?
To stay grounded. I think at one point I lost myself and my morals. My family moved countries so I had a better shot of making it to where I am today. I remind myself on the daily that all of this—it could be gone instantly, but my family, my friends, they’ll always be there.

Obviously I don’t know your backstory and your girl is looking at us with oodles of love that could make a puppy drool. How does it feel to break the ice and finally be in a wonderful place?
It feels amazing. A kid my age can’t ask for much more.

Diversity within our players is what we love. I have to say your accent strides me to a backstory, care to share how an Aussie Accent makes it’s way to the USA and pro ball?
It definitely confuses people a little. A lot of people think that I was born and raised there and moved here for college ball, but that’s not the case. I think my dad being such a huge fan of the sport definitely helped me growing up.

Let’s take about your relationship with Micky for a second. You look at her with so much heart and support. Has it always been that way, can it be safe to say you More than Like her?
It’s more than safe. I love her with every piece of me. It wouldn’t be the same if she wasn’t by my side through it all.

So you got the girl through all of the upheavals and roadblocks you have faced. If there was one thing to future upcoming players about relationships and friendships that you could teach and demonstrate it’s importance. What would it be?
To be able to separate the true ones from the fakes, and to hold on to the ones you know will be there when the rest of it fades away. If I get injured tomorrow and give it all up, I’m certain of the people that will be there supporting me, regardless.

So back to Baseball after all this lovey dovey chit-chat. Has your perspective of the game changed since growing up and going to college?
I kind of geared myself up for the hype of college ball. I knew what it was going to be like and I expected the best and the worst. It’s definitely different to high school ball, but in a good way. The only thing is that the training, the travel, the game time—it takes away time from my girl. She comes with me when possible, but her schedule makes it impossible sometimes.

Lucky last question because I know that cocky grin of yours hasn’t left your girl. Your strength in everything and how far you have come, who is responsible for the man you are today? An honorable good guy, whose priorities are in check. Is it Micky? Your friends? Family?
To be honest, it was my family. Their support is never-ending, and I wouldn’t be here without them. Although, now, Kayla’s the one the keeps me together, stops me from falling apart. Especially those nights when the pressure and exhaustion can get a little much.

A million hearts to Jay for letting me Interview Jake and all ❤ It was a blast. x



In one night my fairytale ended. Or it may have begun. This is my story of friendship and love, heartbreak and desire, and the strength to show weakness.

One night I met a girl. A sad and broken girl, but one more beautiful than any other. She laughed through her sadness, while I loved through her heartbreak.

*This is our story of a maybe ever after.*

He was right. It made no difference whether it was 6 months or 6 years.
I couldn’t undo what had been done. I couldn’t change the future.
I couldn’t even predict it.
It was one night.
One night when everything changed.
It was so much more than just the betrayal.
It was the Tragedy.
The Deaths.
The Murders.
But it was also that feeling.
The feeling of falling.



“For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction.”

For every choice you make there are rewards,
or there are consequences.
It was my choice to walk away the first time.
And my choice to chase her the second.
But sometimes you don’t get a choice,
and all you get are the consequences.

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength,
while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”

Unless that someone is Logan Matthews.
Because loving him didn’t give me
the strength to walk away.
It didn’t give me
the courage to fight for him.
And when it was over,
all it gave me was a broken heart



“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.” – Marianne Williamson

We live in a world of darkness and shadows,
where monsters hide and aim to ruin.
And they did.
They ruined us and turned our dreams into nightmares.
But now we’re back.
And we’re fighting.
Not just for us, or for each other, but for our light.


12THJULY14- More Than Forever by Jay McLean

There is a love so fierce it cannot be measured.
A heart so strong it will never slow.
There is a promise so sure it can never lie.
He promised me that love forever.
Even when it wasn’t enough.

Forever. Everlasting. Eternal.
There is no measure of time.
No sounds of the ticking of a clock.
Just the rising and falling of the sun.
And our own sense of forever.

But our forever isn’t always.



1f8b60e16add0a82390bbb.L._V351006076_Jay McLean is the author of the More Series, including More Than This, More Than Her, More Than Him and soon to be released, More Than Forever. She also has two standalones coming soon titled The Road, and Combative.

Jay is an avid reader, writer, and most of all, procrastinator. When she’s not doing any of those things, she can be found running after her two little boys, or devouring some tacky reality TV show.

She writes what she loves to read, which are books that can make her laugh, make her smile, make her hurt, and make her feel.

You can follow Jay on Instagram and twitter @jaymcleanauthor. You can also find her on her blog at www.jaymcleanauthor.com where you can subscribe to her newsletter and get teasers and updates first hand, her Facebook page at www.facebook.com/jaymcleanauthor or her fan group on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/moreserieslovers, or you can contact Jay directly at jay@jaymcleanauthor.com



New Release WHISKEY KISSES by Addison Moore + Character Interview with Holt



Whiskey Kisses by Addison Moore

3:AM Kisses, #4


Izzy Sawyer has always been the it girl. She believes she’s the last person on earth who deserves a happily ever after. Holt Edwards has always been the player that women voluntarily fall to their knees for. When it comes to love, Holt doesn’t believe in fairytale endings.

When Izzy dives back into the dating pool, Holt is right there, ready and willing, to offer tips and tricks to get her through an entire army of blind dates—starting with a bone melting demonstration on how to deliver mouthwatering kisses.

One thing leads to whiskey and Izzy is starting to think happily ever after doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. Holt is starting to rethink his stance on fairytale endings.

But Izzy has a secret that has turned her world upside down. Holt has a secret of his own that cost him far more than he ever bargained for.

Sometimes life doesn’t give you the happily ever after. Sometimes it’s best to leave fairytale endings on the bookshelf where they belong.

Izzy can’t stop thinking about Holt.

Holt can’t seem to quit his favorite new addiction—Izzy.

The mercury is rising—secrets are percolating—and their lust for one another is just about to detonate.

Izzy needs just one more hit of Holt and his late night Whiskey kisses, but deep down she knows that will never be enough. She wants all of him—every bone melting kiss he ever has to offer.

Izzy wants Holt

Holt worships Izzy.

Summer in Hollow Brook just heated up.

Sparks are flying.

Together Izzy and Holt are unstoppably electric.

Buy Links:

Amazon:  http://amzn.to/1lvVssG

B&N:  http://bit.ly/1gteAMe

Smashwords:  http://bit.ly/T8LvuV

Character INTERVIEW with HOLT!

AM: There are seven billion people in the world. What makes Izzy the one for you?

Holt: Easy. We were made for each other. I may have been with a lot of girls but that’s only because I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d have a chance with Izzy Sawyer. She’s been my fantasy since I laid eyes on her when I was just a kid. If I knew then what I know now, I would have waited just for her and counted down the hours.

AM: Aw! I’m glad you’re so smitten. What’s it feel like to finally get to express your love to the girl of your dreams?

Holt: In the beginning I tried to play it cool, you know, just in case she wasn’t interested, but as time went on I knew either way I needed to let her know how I felt. Some things in life were meant for sharing and my feelings for Izzy were definitely on that list.

AM: I agree, words are powerful. In Whiskey Kisses you had some words and feelings you weren’t too eager to share. Would you like to talk about those?

Holt: You’re right, and, really, I don’t want to get into it. Sometimes the past can split you in half like a chainsaw and God knows I let it rip me to shreds. I held onto things and let my demons rule over every part of my life, that is, until Izzy came along. Turns out she had a few demons of her own.

AM: That she did. Izzy also had a slight issue with your age difference. She’s a little older than you. Does that bother you at all?

Holt: Nope. Never did, never will. There’s not a day I’ll wish for anyone else, not tomorrow not in twenty years. She’s it for me. I really don’t care if she were five days older than me, let alone five years. There’s no age difference in the heart and that’s where it matters most. I’m the luckiest man alive with Izzy by my side.

AM: *melts* I agree, you’re pretty lucky. Annie’s story (Rock Candy Kisses) is coming up next. Any words you’d like to say to the guy that’s lucky enough to fall in love with your sweet baby sis?

Holt: *dark laugh* There’s not a hole in hell he can hide in if he ever thinks of hurting my sister. I’m pretty sure I won’t be warming up to him right away—if ever. He’d better think twice before coming around. Sorry, Annie, but between Bryson and me, you’re going to have one hell of a time getting a date let alone anything more than that.

AM: Wow. You’re not even hiding it. Nice to know! Lol! Congratulations on everything that’s happened for you as of late, and, as for the readers, they’ll just have to pick up the book and see for themselves how things turned out for you!


Addison Moore’s Bio:

Author Photo 300 dpi 3x3inAddison Moore is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author who writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan magazine. Previously she worked for nearly a decade as a therapist on a locked psychiatric unit. She resides with her husband, four wonderful children, and two dogs on the West Coast where she eats too much chocolate and stays up way too late. When she’s not writing, she’s reading.

Author Links:

Feel free to visit her blog at: http://addisonmoorewrites.blogspot.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Addison- Moore/140192649382294

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AddisonMoore

Instagram: http://instagram.com/authoraddisonmoore

~Tempting Rowan by Micalea Smeltzer- Interview & Book Review ~

TR-BlogTourBanner 2~this one is a must read~
Tempting Rowan
I’m drowning in the numbness. It’s pulling me under and I can’t see the surface. It’s easier to pretend I can’t feel. And the longer you pretend, the easier it is to believe. But he wants to save me. Only he can’t. I have to save myself…and I don’t know if I want to.
Rowan Sinclair’s life has been anything but easy. With an alcoholic mother and a sleazy stepfather, it’s been her responsibility to raise her younger siblings. At twenty-one she’s chained to a life she doesn’t want, but sees no other alternative. After all, what would happen to her brother and sister if she were to leave?
Trenton Wentworth sees the pain behind Rowan’s eyes. He wants nothing more than to make it disappear. To hold her. To love her. Except Rowan keeps everyone at a safe distance. But if there’s anyone that can break down the walls she’s built around herself, it’s Trent. So she avoids him at all costs. But Trent isn’t one to be easily evaded. He’s stubborn and determined. He’ll save this girl even if it costs him everything.
Love, lies, and deception.
That’s the name of the game when you’re Tempting Rowan.
RELEASE DATE: Late April 2014
Add on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20181492-tempting-rowan
i kind of luck out with the amount of talent I am surrounded by. tempting rowan by micalea smeltzer is nothing contrary to a masterpiece of emotion and heart.  i needed lots of tissues on hand for this one and it was definitely an emotional journey. Tempting rowan ignites flames of passion and heart when trent (trace’s brother) and rowan have a second chance at love.

the narrative was beautifully written, it had all the right emotions, heart and passion that i love about micalea’s books. rowan struggled with the life she had been handed, having to look after her sister and brother all the time. needing a break, trent swoops in to be all romeo and juliet and come to her aid at the difficult times.  there are lots of twists and turns and emotions run high, but it made it all the more fun to watch. i fell head over heels IN LOVE WITH ROWAN AND TRENT’S RELATIONSHIP. I THINK YOU WILL TOO.

micalea created such beautiful characters that through all their flaws and all the narrative, always remain relatable. deep down the raw, have it be second chance at romance is powerful and beautiful to read. if you enjoy romances, second chances, emotional reads, this definitely is for you. showing lessons of love, secrets and the rawest form of having the chemistry that rowan and trent do, i absolutely loved it.  i rated it a 5 lit love as well as a 2014 lit love top recommendation. the narrative and characters themselves stripped down so much love and emotion. highly recommend reading.

Congratulations of writing your third book in the series. Tell us a bit about Tempting Rowan?
Tempting Rowan follows the story of Trent and Rowan. Many people might recognize Trent from my “Olivia” books, since he’s Trace’s younger brother. Tempting Rowan is a deeper story, from the “Olivia” books. Rowan has a lot going on at home and she feels unworthy of love. Especially the love of someone so genuine as Trent. She can across bitchy, but it’s only her defense mechanism kicking in, in an effort to keep Trent away. I guess you’ll have to read the book to find out if he can break down her walls. 😉
Having read the first two books, Tempting Rowan was definitely different in that it addressed some relatively different and strong issues about growing up, what do you look for when creating characters and there back stories?
I’m the wrong author to ask about this, lol. I always start with a basic idea (a few scenes, character names, that kind of thing) and the story just goes from there. I don’t sit down and plan these extensive backstories. As I write, I let the character slowly unravel bits and pieces of their life.
If you had to pick between Trace and Trent in a dual who would win? 
Trace. Duh. He’d out snark Trent. Besides, Trent’s too nice to duel.
 What do you hope people get out of reading Tempting Rowan?
I hope it shows people, that the person you may neglect, or think is mean for no reason…you never know what they might be going through. Get to know people and they’ll probably surprise you.
And for anyone going through things like Rowan did, I want them to see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
With regards to character development, how did you find the transition between writing Olivia and Trace & Rowan and Trent?
It was easy for me, haha. They’re their own characters with very different personalities from Olivia + Trace.
What’s in the future for this series?
There will be at least one more book in the series for Jude and Tatum (who are in Tempting Rowan) it’s titled Saving Tatum. I’ll have more info coming out about it soon. I’m planning to end the series with this book. BUT since I thought Tempting Rowan would be the last book, you never know.
Final Question, what advice would you give someone trying to pursue their dream of publishing and writing?
Write, write, write, and then write some more. The more you write, the better you get. And before you publish, make sure you’re ready—have your book edited, a nice cover, promote, and be confident in it and yourself. It’s not an easy job, and it’s easy to fixate on the bad reviews. You have to have a thick skin.
Giveaway: a signed copy of Finding and Chasing Olivia (open international)
Tempting Rowan Full

5 Minutes with the Amazing New York Best-Selling author Kelly Elliott

Welcome to the new fun section of Book Lit Love titled 5 Minutes with an author. Basically we are going to have a wide range of romance authors spend 5 minutes answering some fun questions. Our first author is one of my favourites and will be probably be for a very long time.
Welcome Kelly Elliott.
1. Hardest thing about being an author?
The time it takes me away from my family.
2. Best thing about being an author?
Being able to follow my dreams and meeting so many wonderful people.
3. Coffee or Tea?
4. One tip for aspiring writers?
Always write for yourself and no one else. It’s your story to tell so tell it how you see it in your head.
Kellys upcoming book A Forever Love will be available on May 6th from all major retail stores and is available to Pre-Order now.
fb3f5-kellyelliottKelly is married to a wonderful Texas cowboy who has a knack for making her laugh almost daily and supports her crazy ideas and dreams for some unknown reason…he claims it’s because he loves her!
She’s also a mom to an amazing daughter who is constantly asking for something to eat while her fingers move like mad on her cell phone sending out what is sure to be another very important text message.In her spare time she loves to sit in her small corner overlooking the Texas hill country and write.One of her favorite things to do is go for hikes around her property with Gus….her chocolate lab and the other man in her life, and Rose, her golden retriever. When Kelly is not outside helping the hubby haul brush, move rocks or whatever fun chore he has in store for her that day, you’ll find her inside reading, writing or watching HGTV.

*BOOK REVIEW + INTERVIEW* The Cellar- Natasha Preston



When sixteen-year-old Summer Robinson goes missing one night, her family, friends and boyfriend are devastated. Nothing ever happens in Long Thorpe, so the disappearance of a school girl shocks the whole community. The police waste no time in launching a search and investigation, but with nothing to go on and no trace of Summer, hopes of finding her quickly fade.

Colin Brown, is a thirty-year-old solicitor living alone after the death of his mother. He suffered a traumatic and abusive childhood, and is left with no sense of right or wrong. Desperate for the perfect family, Colin, referring to himself as Clover, turns to drastic measures to get what he wants.


I have no words to how ‘The Cellar’ by Natasha Preston, impacted on me. It was a truly emotional and pivotal book that was emotional exquisite and just a gripping read. I really fell in love with reading the whole narrative. It was real, it was the truth that has gone untold in so many stories.

I loved that the characters were dynamic and we understood their vulnerabilities. Summer was just courageous, strong and had the will like the other girls to survive. The characters spoke to the heart and soul of the reader and going through the novel it was such an emotional journey, you have to feel for the characters especially the other girls with Summer.

I loved how Natasha was able to create a Young Adult book that touched so close to the raw emotion of the truth. It was pure in that it showed the teens through a traumatic experience and how even though it was tough they never loss that fight.

The point of view perspective was another gripping angle within the narrative. How Natasha was able to show the point of view of Summer’s boyfriend Lewis and how he dealt with the emotion of the kidnapping. The experience with Clover’s perspective I didn’t really know how I liked. It gave great insight into the mind of someone who is unwell and has tendencies to abduct. I think Clover has emotional and is obviously dealing with some serious issues, but as a Young Adult and emotional book Clover’s perspective didn’t hit a cord as much due to my age.

Overall, I really enjoyed seeing the perspective, narrative and emotional grip of such a tell tale novel. It was written with so much heart and emotion. It is definitely recommended for those 18+ as it does deal with some horrific stories and scenes that are emotional. The embarrassment of such an important story, developed into heart and soul with angst, emotion and heartbreak. It was a truly breathtaking story and one definitely to read. I rated it a 5 Lit-Love because it hit chords, strong words that were powerful and shined light on teenagers who have the will to survive even at the toughest of times.


1.What inspired you to create this story?
I started writing The Cellar after a dream I had where I was kidnapped and thrown in a cellar. Summer’s kidnap happened pretty much in the same way as my dream. When I woke up I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I asked myself why I (she) was kidnapped and what the abductor wanted. As soon as I thought about Clover and what he was doing I knew I had to write it.

2. It must have been difficult at times to write the grim scenes. How did find writing scenes that involved such hurt, but still move the characters forward?
Yes some of the scenes were difficult. While I was posting chapter by chapter on Wattpad a lot of people were mad that Summer at certain parts but I knew it had to be done to be realistic! Even though there are no details it wasn’t easy to write. The chapter after the rape was the hardest because I had to get inside Summer’s head. That was kind of a defining moment, Summer was sure she’d never let him near her but as time passed she understood that in order to survive and find a way our she had to play along. It showed how much Summer was willing to go through in pure hope of being reunited with the people she loves. In all honesty though, I enjoy the tough scenes.

3. The relationships the girls create within the narrative is a vital role to their survival, did you do research into the mechanisms of how to deal with abduction the emotions they may go through?
I’ve been asked a lot about my research and the only things I’ve researched (this is going to sound bad) are things like how long a body takes to decompose under water and where can you buy body bags from. I just thought about each girl and how she would react.

4. Did you plan out to show why Clover was the way he was and how he met the individual girls in the delivery pointed multi-point of view narrative?
Not originally. I just had Summer and a little Lewis but as soon as I tried Clover’s I knew I had to do more. The book seemed to come alive when I added chapters from his point of view.

5. What was the most important part of writing “The Cellar” for you?
The most important part for me was Summer fighting to keep a part of herself when she was in such a horrific situation. She was affected of course but I wanted her to be strong enough to survive no matter what. I quite like that message.

6. What is next in terms of writing? What projects do you have in the works?
Right now I’m working on a ‘should you really go there?’ NA romance, editing/re-writing the very first book I wrote and planning the companion novel to that. I have a lot of projects that will see me writing well into 2018.

7. Last question, if you could give one piece of advice to a new author looking into self-publishing what would it be?
Do it! It’s the best thing I ever did (career wise). Research, hire an editor and get a decent cover made – people do judge a book by its cover. Join plenty of Facebook and Twitter groups for book bloggers. Create social media pages purely for your novels. Sorry that was more than one piece of advice but I get carried away. I love being an indie author!



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Natasha Preston Author Photo lgUK native Natasha Preston grew up in small villages and towns. She discovered her love of writing when she stumbled across an amateur writing site and uploaded her first story and hasn’t looked back since. She enjoys writing romance, thrillers, gritty YA and the occasional serial killer.

*BLOG TOUR* Enjoying the Chase- Kirsty Moseley (Review & Interview)

ETC cover reveal

Title: Enjoying the Chase

Author: Kirsty Moseley

Release Date: 25th March 2013

Cover Design: https://www.facebook.com/mjwilsondesign1

Tour Host: All Things Books (http://all-things-books.com)

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20639678-enjoying-the-chase


Nate Peters is living the playboy life. He has great friends, a great job, no responsibilities, no girlfriend, and he loves it. Nate, being incredibly skilled with a pick-up line, has never failed to get a girl in his life… until one day he meets Rosie York. Rosie is completely uninterested in him. Being unable to stand a dented ego, Nate makes it his mission to win her over. Not used to putting in much effort, Nate is surprisingly enjoying the chase of this off-limits little brunette. Maybe he has finally met his match… But Rosie has a few surprises of her own which will make it remarkably more difficult for him to get close to her.

*Please note that this is a companion novel to Nothing Left to Lose*


The charm of finding love, holding on to love and developing feelings that change the course of your life is one that most yearn for. Kirsty Moseley exemplifies passion, romance and love within the course of written words throughout Enjoying the Chase.

We met Nate in Nothing Left to Lose, I fell in love with him head over heals in Enjoying the Chase. The charm that is Nate and Rosie’s story was filled with the twists and turns that I loved, hated and cried throughout.  As a companion to Nothing Left to Lose the narrative flows with wit, charm and also with so much love. The narrative also kept me guessing for a little bit, but with the help of their friends, it was just a really romantic and lovely novel.

I absolutely loved Rosie and Nate’s relationship. It developed from more than a platonic friendship into heart and soul. Rosie is not without her secrets, but is defined similar to Anna as a strong character. The way Nate interacts with Rosie and is explored within the narrative is a testament to amazing writing and voice on Kirsty’s part. It has heart and soul in life that isn’t always perfect, but is relatable. I laughed, cried, smiled and fell in love with the heart of the book. I loved it from the minute I started, to the minute I finished reading it. Enjoying the Chase is one of my top 2014 reads for sure.


1.Tell us a little about Nate from ‘Enjoying the Chase’ and did you ever imagine he would turn out into the character he did?

The best way to describe Nate would be ‘a boy trapped in a man’s body’. He’s a playboy, used to getting his own way and not having to work too hard for female attention. I knew exactly what type of character he would be, but he turned out even better than I imagined he would. Because he was introduced in Nothing Left to Lose I already had him pictured perfectly in my head. It was probably a given that I would write him his own story, he had my heart in Nothing Left to Lose yet he was only in a few chapters!


2. What was the most enjoyable part of writing the characters of Rosie and Nate?

At the time that I was writing Enjoying the Chase I was also writing two other stories, both of which were in very dark places. Enjoying the Chase was so lighthearted and fun, that it actually cheered me up. I’m sure I looked like a crazy person, grinning and laughing at my laptop while writing a particularly fun scene from the book. It was easily the most fun I’d ever had writing.


3.  There are comparisons between Rosie and Anna, but in many ways Rosie channels a backstory you haven’t told before; did you want to develop the narrative like that?

Rosie and Anna are both strong characters, they’ve both been through hardships and come out the other side stronger people than what they went in. I fell in love with Rosie while writing Nothing Left to Lose, so I had her whole backstory in mind while I was developing her character – though, her ‘hardship’ hadn’t actually happened to her yet during the timeline of Nothing Left to Lose. I liked not showing her full story at first, but showing people through her character and actions what she’d been through rather than laying it all out on the table. It was interesting to weave bits into the story here and there.

4.   Your pieces of work are usually substantially lengthy do you find that writing longer books is easier than writing books are reduced in size?

Nothing Left to Lose is the longest thing I’ve ever written. I think because I was writing it chapter by chapter and posting it onto an amateur writing site that it was very easy to be swept away with the story. I liked not having to skim over things and put in more details. Had I not been posting onto the amateur writing site I probably would had skipped or glossed over some parts. Most of the time I fall so deeply in love with the characters while writing that I like to give them everything that I can, I guess that can sometimes be seen as a bad thing too in some sense. I know for sure that I’ll never write another “epic” novel like Nothing Left to Lose or Enjoying the Chase – editing is not fun if they’re too long!

5. What was your favourite attribute of Nate and/or Rosie that you developed and explored throughout the narrative?

For Nate I think it was the fact that his bravado hid certain pain and loneliness that he didn’t even want to admit himself. I enjoyed writing his cocky character but then, on the other hand, showing his vulnerability too.  For Rosie it was her motherly instincts and love for her child. As a mother myself I guess I put a lot of my feelings and emotions and fears into the book too.


6.  What is in the future in terms of writing, do you have any projects in the works?

I have a short story being published by Carina (Harlequin) in June, and in August there will be a short novella from Enjoying the Chase. It’s NOT romance, strictly humour, and is Nate, Ashton and Friends on a wild night on the town. I had a lot of fun writing that. After that I have lots planned, I’ll certainly be releasing more romance novels, and I’m aiming to dip my toe into the Young Adult Fantasy genre a little too next year. That should be fun.

7. Last question, if you could give one tip or piece of advice to inspiring writers what would it be?

Have confidence in yourself. I suffer from lack of confidence, it’s always plagued me, but then I realised that by not putting myself out there I’d never know.

Another thing I learnt that helped me immensely – not everyone will like your work. There WILL be bad reviews, there WILL be hate, there WILL be people who tell you that you’re not good enough. Just remember this – you can’t win them all. Somewhere out there in the world is someone who dislikes your favourite book or your favourite author. It doesn’t mean you should give up or that you aren;t any good, it’s just that you’re not to their taste. If everyone liked the same thing, wouldn’t the world be a boring place? Different tastes are what make the world a more colourful thing so don’t let it get you down.


My name is Kirsty. I was born in Hertfordshire, England. In 2000 I moved to Norfolk, it was there that I met my husband, Lee. Now, what can I say about Lee, apart from everyone should have one? He’s my biggest supporter, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without his encouragement and endless support. He is my inspiration behind most of my male leads, I always try to bring a little of him in somewhere, be it his kindness, selflessness, or just his ability to make me feel treasured.

In 2005, I was gifted with the birth of my son. He is, and always will be, the best thing I have ever done in my life. As you can probably tell, I’m a very proud mummy.

I have always been interested in writing, but after the birth of my son I accidentally came across an amateur writing site. After a couple of months of just reading on there, I finally plucked up the courage and posted one of my stories. I was shocked and overwhelmed by the support of readers on there and they gave me the confidence to get where I am today.

In April 2012, I self-published my first novel ‘The Boy Who Sneaks in my Bedroom Window’. And in October 2012 I took the plunge again, publishing my second novel, ‘Always You.’

Lastly, if I had to sum myself up in one word, it would probably be ‘daydreamer’ – but unlike most of my school teachers, I don’t necessarily view that as a bad thing. After all, I read somewhere once that books are like waking dreams….

Where to find Kirsty:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Website – http://www.kirstymoseley.com/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kirsty-Moseley/165726786914674

Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/KirstyEMoseley

Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5434809.Kirsty_Moseley


Enjoying the Chase

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iBooks – https://itunes.apple.com/book/enjoying-the-chase/id732995582?mt=11

B&N – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/enjoying-the-chase-kirsty-moseley/1117587213?ean=2940045406291

Nook US – http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/enjoying-the-chase

Nook UK – http://store.kobobooks.com/en-Uk/ebook/enjoying-the-chase

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*BLOG TOUR* Unconditonal by Melody Grace (Review + Author Interview)

Unconditional BT

Melody Grace’s UNCONDITIONAL, the heart-wrenching and powerful next novel in her bestselling Beachwood Bay Series, is about to release on March 18th! We’re celebrating with a blog tour! Check out all of the information about UNCONDITIONAL and Melody Grace and see my interview and review with the lovely author.  There’s also a great giveaway taking place!


Unconditional Cover


Fall in love with Beachwood Bay in Melody Grace’s USA Today and internationally bestselling series!

“I’ve spent my whole life chasing perfection: perfect looks, perfect man, perfect home. But in one brutal moment, I realized it was all just a beautiful lie…”

Carina MacKenzie is fleeing from her past. Picking up the wreckage of her shattered dreams, she seeks comfort in the only place she’s ever felt safe: Beachwood Bay.

Garrett Sawyer isn’t looking to be anyone’s savior. Scarred by old betrayals, he’s sworn never to put his heart on the line again — especially not for a damaged, high-maintenance girl like Carina. But passion knows no logic, and soon, their reckless chemistry is making him forget his bitter vows.

Two damaged hearts. The hope of true love. As their passion blazes out of control, Carina and Garrett struggle to escape their legacies of hurt. But can you ever outrun the past? And when everything is on the line, can they trust enough to build a love that’s unconditional?

*This book contains adult situations and explicit content. 17+*

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Will you devote your life to someone unconditionally if you have been hurt in the past?

Unconditional by the lovely Melody Grace is the third standard novel in a series of enchanting tales located in Beachwood Bay. The third novel introduces passion, hurt, love and regret within the lives of Carina and Garrett. The exquisite narrative flows pure emotion in character fueled romance and pain from the past.

The character’s established accepting and courageous love as they developed a comforting and warm relationship allowing their hearts to open. The pull that I felt towards Carina and Garrett was similar to the first two novels in the series as both characters want to be loved but are also heartbroken by pained choices and events that have happened in the past. I love Melody and her style of writing it digs deep into emotional situations, relenting how relationships can grow and how they are important. There are twists and turns with ex’s and relationships, but overall the gentle unspoken words that created the bond between Carina and Garrett speak louder to the reader.

Overall, Melody has shone another star into the galaxy of a million with the lavishing and emotionally moving characters of Garrett and Carina. Garrett has a heart of a lion and the emotions he displayed were like wildfire to my heart. Carina was a character that developed and was explained as to her grief and pain with Juliet her sister. The incandescent writing of Melody Grace has yet again prevailed in an emotional and powerful reading. I rated Unconditional a 5- Lit Love because I could re-read it and the characters of Carina and Garret gave me so much drive to continue reading till the very end.


1. Congratulations on the 3rd standard novel in the series and 6th in the series. What was it like coming into the sixth project and writing about Garrett and Carina?

It was exciting, and nerve-wracking too! I’ve been so fortunate that people fell in love with Beachwood Bay the way I have, but there’s an added pressure too now to write love stories that live up to the first books. But I’ve been waiting to tell this story for a while now, so it was great to revisit the characters and show the side to them readers had never seen before.

2.  It is such a beautiful story that you told between Garrett and Carina. Did you feel the passion between the characters as you wrote?  Was there drive to create two characters that both had issues like in the previous novels?

Passion… yes, definitely! I love writing scenes where the sparks fly, and Garrett and Carina surprised me with their chemistry. They have such a great banter and dynamic, and part of that comes from both being a little older than the other characters. They’ve experienced things before, and know what they like 😉

As for issues… I think everyone has issues in their own way. We all have a past, and things that have hurt us before, so it’s natural that Carina and Garrett both have things they need to overcome in order to find happiness together.

3.  Juliet and Carina didn’t have the best relationship developing from the first books. Did you feel like you had to explore Carina’s side of the story or was it fun writing a more vulnerable side to Carina than what readers expected?

Writing Unbroken, Carina was pretty much just a shallow bitch (to quote her sister!), but her character stayed with me.  Nobody is simply what they appear to be on the surface, especially people who try so hard to appear perfect and polished, and I wondered who the real Carina was, hiding underneath the pretty clothes and expensive makeup. She and Juliet both grew out of the same dysfunctional family, and I wanted to explore that – how Carina had internalized her childhood and become obsessed with creating the picture-perfect family, even as it took her further away from her true self. Watching that crumble, and trying to start again, Carina finds herself for the first time.

4.  What are your next plans for 2014? Do you plan on writing any more in the Beachwood Bay series?

Yes! I love this series, and I’ve got at least a couple more planned this year. I’m bringing some fresh blood to town with a new family… the first of whom, Dex Callahan, we’ll meet in UNINHIBITED, coming in July. It might be my sexiest yet!

5.  A lot of writers become authors by readings and falling in love with the notion of creating a world that can impact on a reader’s life. Did you always set out to be a writer and create the stories that you tell for the readers?

Absolutely. I loved to read as a kid, escaping to a hundred different lives, and it’s wonderful to be doing it myself now, and passing on that love to other readers.

6.  Lastly, if there is one piece of advice you could give an inspiring author what would it be?

Believe in yourself. It’s easy to become discouraged, there’s so much rejection around, but if you believe in your work and try to improve your craft, you’ll get there in the end!


Melody Grace is the USA Today bestselling author of UNBROKEN and UNTOUCHED. A small-town girl turned SoCal beach-lover, she spent years with her nose in a book before deciding it was time to write them for herself. She loves bad boys, good books, and pistachio-flavored ice-cream.


Website: http://melodygracebooks.blogspot.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Melody-Grace/329573187160227

Twitter: http://twitter.com/melody_grace_

UNCONDITIONAL Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18773628-unconditional

Melody Grace Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6926290.Melody_Grace

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Lie Next to Me- Sandi Lynn Promo Tour with Interview & Excerpt

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Title: Lie Next To Me (A Millionaire’s Love)
Author: Sandi Lynn
Release Date: February 17, 2014
Genre: New Adult, Contemporary Romance


The pain was unbearable, but I had to keep moving. I had to keep running because, if I didn’t, he’d find me. I looked behind me as I ran through the streets; scared, alone, and in the dark as the mist of rain hit my face. There was no time to think, and there was no time to stop. My shoes were soaked as they sloshed through the puddles of the dimly lit streets.

My name is Rory Sinclair, and the night I was violently attacked was the night that changed my life forever. One man, a man named Ian Braxton, made it his mission to heal me, to save me, and to show me a world that previously had been only a dream to me.

Ian Braxton is far from perfect. He’s a self-absorbed, demeaning, arrogant, and womanizing millionaire. He makes it so easy to hate him, but so very hard to resist him. We’re from opposite sides of the spectrum. He comes from money and I come from poverty. When our worlds collide, his struggles become mine, and mine become his, leaving us with one question:

How much would you give up to be with someone who was meant to be yours?




As soon as I stepped through the door and into the kitchen, Ian grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall, holding my arms above my head. “Don’t turn your back on me, Rory. I’m sorry. I don’t think you’re trash. I think you’re broken and I can fix you,” he whispered in my ear.

His hot breath traveled down my neck and my body went into a near convulsion. I wanted him, but I knew if anything were to happen, it would destroy me. I would become too emotionally attached and when he got tired of me and moved on, I wouldn’t recover. He brought his face to mine as he stared into my eyes.

“I’m not broken. I’m shattered. I’m a million tiny pieces that would take longer than forever to piece back together. So please, do me the favor and don’t even try,” I whispered.

His grip on my arms lightened as he let go and took a step back, giving me one last look before he turned around and walked away. I stood and placed my hand on my neck where his hot breath had touched me. I took in a deep breath and walked upstairs. Tomorrow was the day I start my life over, alone.



Coming after the successful trilogy and novella in the Forever series, tell us a bit about the novel Lie Next to Me (A Millionaire’s love)?

My name is Rory Sinclair, and the night I was violently attacked was the night that changed my life forever. One man, a man named Ian Braxton, made it his mission to heal me, to save me, and to show me a world that previously had been only a dream to me.
Ian Braxton is far from perfect. He’s a self-absorbed, demeaning, arrogant, and womanizing millionaire. He makes it so easy to hate him, but so very hard to resist him. We’re from opposite sides of the spectrum. He comes from money and I come from poverty. When our worlds collide, his struggles become mine, and mine become his, leaving us with one question:

How much would you give up to be with someone who was meant to be yours?

The story is about learning to trust and finding your own strength and courage to keep moving forward and letting go of your fears.

Did you have to step out of your comfort zone in moving forward from the Forever trilogy, although the theme of wealth and being a womanizer at the beginning stands to be in similar with the male leads?

No, Lie Next To Me was very comfortable for me to write. Ian and Connor are similar in the fact that they’re both millionaires, but they come from different pasts and I think Ian is more closed off and not as vulnerable as Connor was. Ian is more of a jerk, lol.

Did you relate to a certain character within the novel or was there a personality trait that you explored that was new to you within the characters of Rory and Ian?

I could relate to Rory because she never gave up. No matter how bad her childhood was, she never let it define her in a negative way. She kept her head up and gained enormous strength from it. She’s a fighter and that’s how I’ve raised my daughters. Never give up, keep moving forward, and most importantly don’t let anyone bring you down.

Is Lie Next to Me a part of a series or a standalone book?

It’s part of a two book series for now. Will it become a trilogy? I don’t know yet. It’s up to Ian and Rory.

What do you enjoy most about writing and sharing your stories?

I love to give readers an escape from the daily grind of life and into a world of romance and possibilities. When I write, I escape and become so connected to the characters that they become part of my life and that’s what I love the most. I love to share my passion with my readers.

Tell us about your readership. What kind of readers do you hope this narrative appeals to?

 To be honest, I hope it appeals to everybody. This book is mostly for readers that love romance and a HEA!

A lot of writers become authors by readings and falling in love with the notion of creating a world that can impact on a reader’s life. Did you always set out to be a writer and create the stories that you tell for the readers?

Ever since I was little, I had stories in my head that needed to be told so I would write them out in the form of poetry. I wrote a lot of poetry growing up and even won a few awards for them. About a year and a half ago, while I was working at the hospital and hating every waking second of it, I thought to myself, “There has to be more to life than this.” I also thought about my college English professor that pulled me aside one day and asked me if I had ever considered writing a novel based on stories I had to write for class. Writing has always provided me with an escape and I wanted to share some of my stories that were going on in my head with the world. I never thought in a million years that Forever Black would have touched the lives of so many people. It’s just amazing to me how the trilogy evolved and really had an impact on people’s lives, especially those with cancer.

Lastly, If there is one piece of advice you could give an inspiring author what would it be?

Have all your ducks in a row before you hit the publish button. An editor, cover designer, proofreader, beta readers and most importantly, support!


Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/Lie-Next-Me-Millionaires-Love-ebook/dp/B00HLOZAGC/ref=sr_1_1_bnp_1_kin?ie=UTF8&qid=1392585233&sr=8-1&keywords=Lie+Next+To+Me

Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00HLOZAGC

Amazon AU: http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00HLOZAGC


iTunes AU: https://itunes.apple.com/au/book/lie-next-to-me/id790320148?mt=11

Kobo: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/books/lie-next-to-me-a-millionaire-s-love/KroZP5PS_0GtZYgYHw_TQA?MixID=KroZP5PS_0GtZYgYHw_TQA&PageNumber=1

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Me 5

My name is Sandi Lynn and I’m the New York Times, USA Today & Wall Street Journal Bestselling author of Forever Black, Forever You, and Forever Us. I love being a full-time writer and spend all of my days writing stories. When I’m not writing, I’m either playing the guitar, reading or catching up on my favorite TV shows. I have a shopping and caffeine addiction and you can usually find me hanging out at the local Starbucks (with my laptop). I love meeting and connecting with new people, so come connect with me at:

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Hosted By:

Q&A with Wishes Series Author GJ Walker-Smith

The amazing G.J Walker-Smith is the author of the Wishes Series and is an Australian beauty. Creating a world full of magic and heart, the Wishes is a wonderful series. I did an interview with the amazing author. Check it out below:

What was it like closing this chapter of your life, having written three books about Adam and Charli?
A little bittersweet. I’m glad I found them their happy ending, but a little sad that it’s over.

Is there one line in Storm Shells that sums up the whole three novels or what you love about Adam and Charli the most?
At one point, Charli says “True love is still true, even if you can’t live it the way you want to.” I think that sums them up perfectly. Try as they might, they’ve always fallen short of being happy together… so far.

Have you ever hated something you wrote or known at that moment you are going to have a lot of fans getting angry?
People will be frustrated by Adam, no doubt about it. I didn’t set out to make him flawless and perfect. I think it’s more realistic to have some of the qualities that we all have, whether they’re good or bad.

Are you happy with the way Adam and Charli’s story is wrapping up to be?
Yes. I’ve had their ending in my head from the very beginning. I just had to get them there.

What can we expect now that Storm Shells has been released? What projects do you have in the works?
I’m working on Alex’s back story – starting from when Charli was born. I think he’s led an interesting life. There’s a reason Charli is the way she is. I want to share it!
Ryan also has a story. I’m looking forward to working with him. 😉

Your characters are phenomenal, how was it coming to the end of the trilogy for Adam and Charli and how far they have grown?
Charli was only seventeen in Saving Wishes. I think she’s grown a huge amount. She’s twenty in Storm Shells. The decisions she makes in the third book shows how far she’s come. Adam has grown too, just in a different way.

What was the hardest thing about writing ‘Storm Shells’?
I knew it would be the last book in the story of Adam and Charli. I wanted to make sure it was all wrapped up with no unanswered questions lingering. That made it quite complicated to write. Hopefully I pulled it off.

Have you had any experiences with fans that have made you realize the impact your books have had?
I’ve had so many lovely emails and messages. When someone tells you that you’ve inspired them, or that they can relate to Charli, I want to cry. It means everything to me.

Does Tasmania hold any great meaning to why it is the location for your book?
I have family in Tasmania. My mum grew up there and I have a son in boarding school in Launceston. Tassie has always been special to me. The little town I based Pipers Cove on is one of my favourite places on earth. It seemed like the perfect place for a small town girl to meet the love of her life.

What was one of the most surprising things you learn while writing the Wishes Series?
I was surprised by how attached I became to the characters. I cared about what they said and what they were going through. That’s why finding them a happy ending was important.

Do you have any tips for your readers or advice for those who want to get published or are thinking about self-publishing?
Don’t hold back. If you truly believe in your story, go for it.

If you could tell your fans one thing/ is there one thing that you hope your fans have learnt from the Wishes series?
Ultimately, it’s a story about staying true to yourself. Charli never gave in. She always went her own way. I admire that about her and I think there’s a lesson in that for all of us.

I would like to Thank GJ Walker-Smith so much for taking the time to do a quick Q&A.

Storm Shells in now available through Amazon and Itunes. Links Below.
Storm Shells (Amazon) – http://amzn.com/B00GL47TK8
Storm Shells (Itunes)- https://itunes.apple.com/au/book/storm-shells/id687615493?mt=11
GJ Walker-Smith Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/gjwalkersmith