*BLOG TOUR* Enjoying the Chase- Kirsty Moseley (Review & Interview)

ETC cover reveal

Title: Enjoying the Chase

Author: Kirsty Moseley

Release Date: 25th March 2013

Cover Design: https://www.facebook.com/mjwilsondesign1

Tour Host: All Things Books (http://all-things-books.com)

Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20639678-enjoying-the-chase


Nate Peters is living the playboy life. He has great friends, a great job, no responsibilities, no girlfriend, and he loves it. Nate, being incredibly skilled with a pick-up line, has never failed to get a girl in his life… until one day he meets Rosie York. Rosie is completely uninterested in him. Being unable to stand a dented ego, Nate makes it his mission to win her over. Not used to putting in much effort, Nate is surprisingly enjoying the chase of this off-limits little brunette. Maybe he has finally met his match… But Rosie has a few surprises of her own which will make it remarkably more difficult for him to get close to her.

*Please note that this is a companion novel to Nothing Left to Lose*


The charm of finding love, holding on to love and developing feelings that change the course of your life is one that most yearn for. Kirsty Moseley exemplifies passion, romance and love within the course of written words throughout Enjoying the Chase.

We met Nate in Nothing Left to Lose, I fell in love with him head over heals in Enjoying the Chase. The charm that is Nate and Rosie’s story was filled with the twists and turns that I loved, hated and cried throughout.  As a companion to Nothing Left to Lose the narrative flows with wit, charm and also with so much love. The narrative also kept me guessing for a little bit, but with the help of their friends, it was just a really romantic and lovely novel.

I absolutely loved Rosie and Nate’s relationship. It developed from more than a platonic friendship into heart and soul. Rosie is not without her secrets, but is defined similar to Anna as a strong character. The way Nate interacts with Rosie and is explored within the narrative is a testament to amazing writing and voice on Kirsty’s part. It has heart and soul in life that isn’t always perfect, but is relatable. I laughed, cried, smiled and fell in love with the heart of the book. I loved it from the minute I started, to the minute I finished reading it. Enjoying the Chase is one of my top 2014 reads for sure.


1.Tell us a little about Nate from ‘Enjoying the Chase’ and did you ever imagine he would turn out into the character he did?

The best way to describe Nate would be ‘a boy trapped in a man’s body’. He’s a playboy, used to getting his own way and not having to work too hard for female attention. I knew exactly what type of character he would be, but he turned out even better than I imagined he would. Because he was introduced in Nothing Left to Lose I already had him pictured perfectly in my head. It was probably a given that I would write him his own story, he had my heart in Nothing Left to Lose yet he was only in a few chapters!


2. What was the most enjoyable part of writing the characters of Rosie and Nate?

At the time that I was writing Enjoying the Chase I was also writing two other stories, both of which were in very dark places. Enjoying the Chase was so lighthearted and fun, that it actually cheered me up. I’m sure I looked like a crazy person, grinning and laughing at my laptop while writing a particularly fun scene from the book. It was easily the most fun I’d ever had writing.


3.  There are comparisons between Rosie and Anna, but in many ways Rosie channels a backstory you haven’t told before; did you want to develop the narrative like that?

Rosie and Anna are both strong characters, they’ve both been through hardships and come out the other side stronger people than what they went in. I fell in love with Rosie while writing Nothing Left to Lose, so I had her whole backstory in mind while I was developing her character – though, her ‘hardship’ hadn’t actually happened to her yet during the timeline of Nothing Left to Lose. I liked not showing her full story at first, but showing people through her character and actions what she’d been through rather than laying it all out on the table. It was interesting to weave bits into the story here and there.

4.   Your pieces of work are usually substantially lengthy do you find that writing longer books is easier than writing books are reduced in size?

Nothing Left to Lose is the longest thing I’ve ever written. I think because I was writing it chapter by chapter and posting it onto an amateur writing site that it was very easy to be swept away with the story. I liked not having to skim over things and put in more details. Had I not been posting onto the amateur writing site I probably would had skipped or glossed over some parts. Most of the time I fall so deeply in love with the characters while writing that I like to give them everything that I can, I guess that can sometimes be seen as a bad thing too in some sense. I know for sure that I’ll never write another “epic” novel like Nothing Left to Lose or Enjoying the Chase – editing is not fun if they’re too long!

5. What was your favourite attribute of Nate and/or Rosie that you developed and explored throughout the narrative?

For Nate I think it was the fact that his bravado hid certain pain and loneliness that he didn’t even want to admit himself. I enjoyed writing his cocky character but then, on the other hand, showing his vulnerability too.  For Rosie it was her motherly instincts and love for her child. As a mother myself I guess I put a lot of my feelings and emotions and fears into the book too.


6.  What is in the future in terms of writing, do you have any projects in the works?

I have a short story being published by Carina (Harlequin) in June, and in August there will be a short novella from Enjoying the Chase. It’s NOT romance, strictly humour, and is Nate, Ashton and Friends on a wild night on the town. I had a lot of fun writing that. After that I have lots planned, I’ll certainly be releasing more romance novels, and I’m aiming to dip my toe into the Young Adult Fantasy genre a little too next year. That should be fun.

7. Last question, if you could give one tip or piece of advice to inspiring writers what would it be?

Have confidence in yourself. I suffer from lack of confidence, it’s always plagued me, but then I realised that by not putting myself out there I’d never know.

Another thing I learnt that helped me immensely – not everyone will like your work. There WILL be bad reviews, there WILL be hate, there WILL be people who tell you that you’re not good enough. Just remember this – you can’t win them all. Somewhere out there in the world is someone who dislikes your favourite book or your favourite author. It doesn’t mean you should give up or that you aren;t any good, it’s just that you’re not to their taste. If everyone liked the same thing, wouldn’t the world be a boring place? Different tastes are what make the world a more colourful thing so don’t let it get you down.


My name is Kirsty. I was born in Hertfordshire, England. In 2000 I moved to Norfolk, it was there that I met my husband, Lee. Now, what can I say about Lee, apart from everyone should have one? He’s my biggest supporter, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without his encouragement and endless support. He is my inspiration behind most of my male leads, I always try to bring a little of him in somewhere, be it his kindness, selflessness, or just his ability to make me feel treasured.

In 2005, I was gifted with the birth of my son. He is, and always will be, the best thing I have ever done in my life. As you can probably tell, I’m a very proud mummy.

I have always been interested in writing, but after the birth of my son I accidentally came across an amateur writing site. After a couple of months of just reading on there, I finally plucked up the courage and posted one of my stories. I was shocked and overwhelmed by the support of readers on there and they gave me the confidence to get where I am today.

In April 2012, I self-published my first novel ‘The Boy Who Sneaks in my Bedroom Window’. And in October 2012 I took the plunge again, publishing my second novel, ‘Always You.’

Lastly, if I had to sum myself up in one word, it would probably be ‘daydreamer’ – but unlike most of my school teachers, I don’t necessarily view that as a bad thing. After all, I read somewhere once that books are like waking dreams….

Where to find Kirsty:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Website – http://www.kirstymoseley.com/

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kirsty-Moseley/165726786914674

Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/KirstyEMoseley

Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5434809.Kirsty_Moseley


Enjoying the Chase

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iBooks – https://itunes.apple.com/book/enjoying-the-chase/id732995582?mt=11

B&N – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/enjoying-the-chase-kirsty-moseley/1117587213?ean=2940045406291

Nook US – http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/enjoying-the-chase

Nook UK – http://store.kobobooks.com/en-Uk/ebook/enjoying-the-chase

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